Report Hours and Earnings

Important Reference Guide on How to Report Earnings and Hours Worked

Please keep this document for reference when you file your weekly payment request.

Failure to accurately report that you have earned wages or worked during a week you request a benefit payment may be considered fraud. Committing fraud has a variety of serious consequences including repayment of benefits received plus a monetary penalty of 50%, forfeiture of future unemployment insurance benefits, forfeiture of future income tax refunds to repay your benefit overpayment and possible criminal court prosecution.

Here are a few tips to follow to help you accurately report your weekly hours and earnings. Please also review the examples of how to correctly calculate hours worked and earnings on the back of this sheet.

Reporting Hours – Note: A week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

  • Keep a record of all hours worked each week – including full hours and partial hours for all employers in the week.
  • Report the hours you worked in the week you performed the work. Be sure to report your hours as soon as you begin a new job or when you return to work.
  • Report the hours you worked for all employers during the week you performed the work.
    • This includes full-time work, part-time work, reduced hours, out-of-state employment, temporary work and and on-call.
  • Report the hours you worked, even if they are fewer than you normally work.
  • Report hours worked in whole numbers AFTER calculating your earnings using your total and partial hours worked. (See examples on the back of this sheet.)

Reporting Earnings

  • Keep a record of your earnings for the time you work each week, for all employers in the week.
  • Report hourly earnings in the week they are earned, not the week you receive payment.
  • Report your earnings from all employers you worked for during the week when you performed the work.
    • This includes full-time work, part-time work, reduced hours, in-state employment, out-of-state employment, temporary work and on-call.
  • Report your earnings as soon as you begin a new job or return to work, even though you have not been paid.
  • Report gross earnings (before taxes are taken out), not net earnings.
  • Report earnings from work performed in-state and out-of-state during the week.
  • Calculate all earnings using hours and partial hours worked during the week multiplied by the exact hourly rate.
  • Report earnings in whole numbers AFTER your calculations. (See examples on the back of this sheet.)

NOTE: If you are paid for vacation time used, sick time used, paid time off, on-call time, bonuses received, commissions received or holiday pay, report these earnings separately when prompted by specific questions when you file your weekly payment request.

You will be held responsible for inaccurate reporting of your hours and earnings. Do not rely on friends, co-workers or your employer to explain how to report hours and earnings.

How to Compute Hours Worked and Earnings on Your Weekly Payment Request

Step 1. Add the hours and parts of hours worked during the week.
Step 2. Multiply the total number of hours and parts of hours times the rate of pay.
Step 3. Report the hours you worked during the week, rounded down to the nearest whole hour.
Step 4. Report your total earnings from the week, rounded down to the nearest whole dollar.

See examples of how to follow these steps in the examples on the back of this sheet.

  • Examples of Hours

    Examples of Earnings

    Report When Filing

    Paid hourly ($7.90 per hour) plus tips:
    7.5 hours on Monday
    + 7.5 hours on Wednesday
    + 7.5 hours on Saturday
    22.5 hours

    Received $15 in tips each day worked
    22.5 hours X $7.90 per hour = $177.75
    3 days X $15 per day = $45 in tips

    $177.75 + $45 = $222.75

     22 hours

    $222 in earnings

    Working for two different rates of pay:
    8.5 hours on Monday at $13.10 per hour
    + 9 hours on Tuesday at $13.75 per hour
    17.5 hours

    8.5 hours X $13.10 per hour = $111.35
    9 hours X $13.75 per hour = $123.75

    $111.35 + $123.75 = $235.10

    17 hours

    $235 in earnings

    Paid by Monthly Salary:
    Monthly salary is $2,250. Normal hours were 40 hours per week (2,080 hours in a year), reduced to 22 hours this week.

    $2,250 X 12 months = $27,000
    $27,000 divided by 2,080 = $12.98 per hour

    $12.98 per hour X 22 hours = $285.56

    22 hours

    $285 in earnings

  • 17.75 $200.75 17 $179

    Sunday 12th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday
    Saturday 18th Total Hours Total Earnings

    4 Hours at $10 hour



    No Work

    6 hours
    at $10 hour


    2.5 hours at
    $13 hour



    No Work

    No Work


    Received $50 bonus


    (Report in Question 12)

    hours at $13 hour



    Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday
    Sunday 25th Total Earnings Total Earnings
    No Work No work,
    but received
    $50 for 5
    hours of
    holiday pay
    for today's
    Luther King

    (Report in Question 14)

    10 hours at $10 hour



    3 hours at $13 hour



    No Work

    4 hours at $10 hour



    No Work
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