Not finding what you need? Try our Handbooks, Forms, & More page or Contact the Contributions Bureau.
Not finding what you need? Try our Handbooks, Forms, & More page or Contact the Contributions Bureau.
Yes, effective July 1, 2024, all quarterly Unemployment Insurance (UI) reports must be filed electronically per ARM 24.40.1609(7). Electronic payments are preferred but not required at this time.
For information on approved electronic filing options, review our Montana UI Contributions e-Filing Handbook.
Filing a quarterly report on UI eServices for Employers is quick, easy, and secure. It's also the best way to ensure you are always using the correct tax rate AND calculating excess wages correctly. For step by step instructions review our e-filing handbook.
Montana UI Contributions E-Filing Handbook
Yes, we will accept either ICESA or FSET bulk files. The files must be properly formatted. Please refer to our electronic filing handbook for more information.
Yes. If you are a QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll subscriber, you can set up QuickBooks to e-file (and pay) your quarterly report following these QuickBooks Instructions for e-Filing.
If you are not an Enhanced Payroll subscriber, or prefer to file your reports through UI eServices for Employers, these simple instructions will help you Create an Excel file from QuickBooks and import your wage records into eServices.
Please note: We are happy to help if we can but, we can not provide product support for QuickBooks. Please contact QuickBooks customer support at 1-800-343-9837.
The state of Montana uses the Okta access management software to authenticate users and provide access to a plethora of state services, including UI eServices for Employers (eServices).
If you do not already have an Okta account for other state of Montana services, logging into UI eServices for Employers (eServices) for the first time is a two-step process:
Please note: It is very important you fully complete Step 1 before attempting Step 2. Okta and UI eServices for Employers are two separate systems. This one-time connection process will allow you to access eServices, using your Okta credentials (username and password) going forward but attempting to connect to eServices before activating an Okta account will result in your inability to access eServices.
If you already use Okta for other state of Montana services and know your username and password for it, you can skip directly to Step 2. If you do not know your username or password for Okta, see the additional questions/answers in our FAQ for what to do.
Step 1 – Create an Okta account and verify your email address
Part of the Okta account set up is verifying your email address. Click the Set-up button under email and you should receive an email from Okta within a few minutes (check your spam or junk files if you don’t see it right away). You must follow the instructions in the email to complete your Okta account set up.
An Okta security question is also required. Click the Set-up button under security question and select your security question from the drop-down menu. Once completed, click the Continue link.
Step 2 – Connect Okta to UI eServices for Employers
After verifying your email and setting up a security question for Okta, you should be redirected back to eServices and prompted to Connect Okta to eServices. If for some reason you are NOT redirected (or users who created Montana Okta credentials previously), navigate to, click the Sign in with Okta button and enter your Okta username and password.
Follow the steps to connect your eServices profile to your Okta account:
The above process is a one-time process for accessing eServices for the first-time. Once your UI eServices for Employers profile is connected to your Okta account, you will simply go and sign in using your Okta credentials to access UI eServices for Employers.
Last Updated 1/9/25No. Okta is the front door to UI eServices for Employers, but they are separate systems. Okta is an access management software maintained by the State of Montana Information Technology Services Division (SITSD).
UI eServices for Employers (aka eServices) is the unemployment insurance portal for employers and third-party administrators (accountant, payroll providers, etc.) to send, receive, and conduct unemployment insurance business with the Unemployment Insurance Division (UID). UI eServices for Employers is managed and maintained by the Unemployment Insurance Division and its contractors.
We integrated Okta into UI eServices for Employers to allow users to access eServices using the same Okta credentials they use to access other State of Montana services.
Last Updated 10/3/23In addition to an Okta account:
Use Okta’s online tool for resetting your password. After clicking "Sign in with Okta" from, select “Need help signing in?” and then select “Forgot password?”
For more Okta password assistance visit and review the additional instructions and Okta FAQ provided there.
Please note, the Unemployment Insurance Division cannot reset your Okta password.
Last Updated 10/3/23Your username for Okta is typically an email address. If you can’t recall which email address you used to set up your Okta account, visit for additional instructions an Okta FAQ.
Please note, the Unemployment Insurance Division can not tell you what email address you used for your Okta account.
Last Updated 10/3/23No. We do not have a tile for UI eServices for Employers within Okta. To access eServices, you must start at and click Sign in with Okta. If you are not being automatically redirected back to eServices after entering your Okta username and password, try clearing your browser cache and then start again from
If you need assistance clearing your browser cache, visit our Guides, Forms, and More page for help.
Last Updated 10/3/23If you are not automatically redirected back to UI eServices for Employers after creating an Okta login, you may need to log out of Okta, open a new browser window and return to From there, click Sign in with Okta again, enter the username and password you created for Okta and begin the process of connecting to eServices. If that does not work, you may need to clear your browser cache and begin again.
If you need assistance clearing your browser cache, visit our Guides, Forms, and More page for help.
Last Updated 10/3/23You should have received an email with an activation link. Follow the instructions in the email. If you did not receive an email visit visit for additional instructions an Okta FAQ.
Please note, the Unemployment Insurance Division cannot send or resend an Okta activation email or reactivate an Okta account.
Last Updated 10/3/23Make sure you are not using a password auto-populate feature within your browser. We are seeing some issues, specifically with the Firefox browser, when users are trying to connect eServices to Okta. If you are getting a message the fields cannot be blank (and you have information in the fields), try manually retyping both the username and password, if that does not work you may need to switch your internet browser to either Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Our developers are working on a long-term solution to ensure we are fully compatible with Firefox, using a different browser is hopefully a short-term fix.
Last Updated 10/11/23After resetting your Okta password, you will be auto-logged into the Okta website. UI eServices for Employer does not have a tile in the Okta website. Log out of Okta by clicking your name in the upper righthand corner and click Sign Out. Navigate back to, click the Sign in with Okta button, enter your email address for your username and new Okta password.
Last Updated 1/9/25After the above information is received, we will contact you when your customer record has been created and provide further instructions for creating an eServices logon and submitting authorization forms to link your clients.
To access client accounts on eServices, you will need to submit an Authorization Form for each client.
There are a few common reasons:
UI eServices for Employers works best with the following modern browsers:
Note: eServices is no longer supported in Internet Explorer (IE).
These are the minimum browser versions necessary to support all of the features and functions. If you need to upgrade your browser, please go to the appropriate browser web site to download the latest version.
Required browsers settings: