The Employer Handbook pulls together everything an employer needs to know about Unemployment Insurance (UI) Contributions (tax) in Montana: subjectivity requirements, how to register your business, quarterly report filing and payment requirements, understanding your tax rate, and more.
UI Contribution (or tax) rates are set annually. For most employers, rates are generally calculated in early to mid December for the following calendar year. Rating for Governmental employers is done in May for the next state fiscal year beginning July 1.
Last Updated 2/24/25Assistance for Business Clinics (ABC) are an excellent resources for employers. Agencies from across the state as well as some federal partners, come together to provide information on a wide range of topics including: revenue form changes, unemployment claim response and tax requirements, workers compensation coverage, Independent Contractor regulations, and much more.
Presenters may include experts from:
Schedule of Upcoming ABC Clinics and Recorded Virtual Events
Last Updated 5/3/21A collaborative effort between the Montana Department of Labor & Industry and businesses/entities across the state, SafetyFestMT provides FREE training to employers and their workers. Training topics may include but are not limited to:
If/when layoffs or reductions in hours occur (temporary or permanent), it is important to let your workers know they may be eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance Benefits. This one page handout will give them the information they need to apply.
Last Updated 6/13/22Employers play a key role ensuring the integrity of Montana's UI program and preventing fraud. Check out the information in the fliers below to see how.
If an individual is receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits and then refuses an official offer of work, it may impact their ability to continue receiving benefits. Employers are strongly encouraged to notify UI when this happens. Complete the Refusal of Work Report form on the State of Montana Self Service Portal. A separate form is needed for each individual or declines or misses an interview. Please be as specific as possible with the details you provide.
Step-by-Step Instructions for using the State of Montana Self-Service Portal to report to UI.
Last Updated 10/18/21If an individual is receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits and declines or misses an offered interview, without good cause, it may impact their ability to continue receiving benefits. Employers are strongly encouraged to notify UI when this happens. Complete the Declined/Missed Interview Report form on the State of Montana Self Service Portal. A separate form is needed for each individual who declines or misses an interview. Please be as specific as possible with the details you provide.
Declined/Missed Interview Report Form
Step-by-Step Instructions for using the State of Montana Self-Service Portal to report to UI.
Last Updated 10/18/21Appeal hearings are conducted through the Office of Administrative Hearings. During the hearing both parties are allowed to present their case and to ask each other questions. Although the Hearing Officers are employed by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry, they are independent from the offices that issues the Notice of Determination and the Notice of Redetermination and they are required by law to provide fair and impartial hearings.
Last Updated 5/3/21